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Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Rangkuman Grammar (Fundamentals of English Grammar-Betty Schrampfer Azar)

Countable (Nomina Terhitung) dan Uncountable (Nomina tak terhitung).

Some nouns are called COUNT NOUNS:
(1) In the singular, they can be preceded by a/an or one.
(2) They have a plural form: -s or –es
 A chair
One chair
Two chairs
Some chairs
Several chairs
A lot of chairs
Many chairs
A few chairs
Some furniture
A lot of furniture
Much furniture
A little furniture

Some nouns are called NOUNCOUNT NOUNS:
(1) They are NOT immediately preceded by a/an pr one.
(2) They do NOT have a plural form (no final –s is added.)

Yang termasuk Uncountable Nouns:
1. Nama-nama zat atau materi tertentu (Substances & Materials), misalnya:
Blood                    Bread                     Butter              Chalk               Cheese
Cotton                  Dust                        Flour                Gas                  Gold
Honey                   Ice                          Ink                   Kerosone         Meat
Milk                      Oil                          Oxygen            Paint                Paper
Rice                      Salt                         Sand                Smoke             Soap
Wood                    Wold

2. Kata benda abstrak (Abstract Nouns), misalnya:
Advice                  Honesty                  Beauty             Information
Confidence           Peace                     Education        Suspicion
Happines              Wisdom     

3. Bahasa (Languages), misalnya:
Arabic                   English        Frinch              German           Japanese

4. Bidang Studi (Fields of study), misalnya:
Chemistry             Economics              History             Psychology

5. Cabang olahraga (Sports), misalnya:
Basketball            Chess                      Soccer             Tennis              Volleyball

6. Aktifitas umum (general activities) dalam bentuk gerund, misalnya:
Driving                 Reading                  Swimming                   Training

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